Hey, everyone. I am having one heck of a go with my Product Landing Page.
Here are my issues:
I really did like the layout of the fCC’s example page. Particularly, I’m trying to replicate their pricing boxes with the border and colored section. Haven’t been able to make that work. I went so far as doing a copy and paste situation after multiple tries on my own. Did not work. Currently, all 3 columns are just basic text going down the page, instead of horizontally across the page. I do not like it at all.
On top of that, I cannot, for the life of me, pass the Media Query test (User Story #14/Layout Test #2). Everything else is passing. I have media queries everywhere in CSS. What is even happening? I know this should take priority and all but the presentation of the page matters too.
I uploaded a leaderboard style logo from Canva to Amazon Photos for the sole purpose of using on the page. Won’t show it. I tried Google Photos. Won’t show it. Initially, I was going to put it in the navigation bar. Wouldn’t even show the broken image icon to acknowledge it. Tried it in the body of the page, won’t show there, either. So I added an Icon and it works on the body as well as the nav bar. But if I put it in the nav bar, I can’t get it to go to the left side of the bar, with the links on the far right.
Plus, my Features section won’t align properly at all. I tried the c+p method from the fCC example here as well. At this point, I’d settle for Centered Icon on one line, Feature Name on the next, and Feature Description on the next.
Although less problematic, the footer section is just… weird. I don’t want the policy/terms links on top of each other in the middle of the page, but off to the left horizontally. The copyright, however, I would like it to be in the middle.
And now, I just feel like I have far too much code in both HTML& CSS compared to the others I’ve seen on here that look so much better than mine. I’ve started from scratch twice already. I even took a break from it for a few days to build the Tech Doc page.
I feel like a hopeless case on this project. Any suggestions to literally any of these issues?