Hi! Could someone help me understand why my program stops when I try to do a .getJSON call? This was working for me earlier and I can’t figure out how to debug it. Thanks!
It worked for me, maybe the issue was coming from the server side of the api.
jQuery needed to be included before bootstrapjs.
Open Devtools (F12) and you will see error messages.
bootstrap was also complaining about not having tether.io
Here’s a working pen for you:
Thanks for checking it out for me! It’s still not working on my end, though. Did it generate a random quote for you?
Thanks! I opened the pen that you made for me and I still can’t see the HTML change. I changed the order of the jQuery and bootstrap calls and added the tether.io to mine and the ‘New Quote’ button still won’t trigger .getJSON. I can do console.log() commands before and after the .getJSON and the button will work, but nothing once it hits that function.
I do get different quotes when I click on get quote button.
Settings I changed are under Javascript pen settings:
It works for me now! Thanks @JoolsMcFly and @RougeRedWired! It wasn’t working when I made those changes - I saved and ran it, refreshed the page, and finally when I went into the debug view, it decided to work and now works outside of the debug view. How strange!