Help Please with Case Sensitivity in Variables

Tell us what’s happening:
I am supposed to modify the existing declarations and assignments so their names use camelCase without creating any new variables.

// Declarations

var StUdLyCapVaR;

var properCamelCase;

var TitleCaseOver;

// Assignments


PRoperCAmelCAse = "A String";

tITLEcASEoVER = 9000;

Your code so far

// Declarations
var studlyCapVar;
var studlyCapVar = 10;

var properCamelCase;
var properCamelCase = "A String";

var titleCaseOver;
var titleCaseOver = 9000;
var camelCase = titleCaseOver;

// Assignments
studlyCapVar = 10;
studlyCapVar = camelCase;

properCamelCase = "A String";
properCamelCase = camelCase;

titleCaseOver = 9000;
titleCaseOver = camelCase;

And I’m stuck. because I cant figure out what I’m doing wrong

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Challenge: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables

Link to the challenge:

you don’t need to create new lines. I suggest you reset your code, and then make sure that the declared variables match in case with future uses, and also are written in proper camelCase
you don’t need to change anything other than case of letters, and you don’t need to add things to the code

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I did that but it still gave me errors that the variables were not defined

// Declarations

var studyCapvar;

var properCamelCase;

var titleCaseOver;

// Assignments

studlyCapVar = 10;

properCamelCase= “A String”;

titleCaseOver = 9000;

there is a difference between these two, in case and in spelling

ohkay, I see it now.

Thanks a lot

Thanks Randel.

I got it now