Help to better understand the use of class syntax to define a constructor function

class Vegetable {
constructor(name) { = name;
const carrot = new Vegetable(‘carrot’);
console.log(; // Should display ‘carrot’

The only part of this lesson that confuses me is the “ = name;”. In this example the property name of the object being created is “name” and its value is set to the argument being passed through when the function is called “carrot”.

So is the value of “this” being set to the name of the const variable being assigned to the function call In this part:
const carrot = new Vegetable(‘carrot’);

I hope I am asking this correctly, I just feel unsure about the keyword this in the function block.

Sure, it’s a great question, and one that has broken lesser beings. :wink:

so Vegetable is not an object in itself. Instead, being a class, its like the blueprint of an object. Now, objects can have properties, and those properties are just… data. So we can have something like:

const carrot = {
  name: 'Carrot',
  scientific_name: 'Daucus carota'

It’s simply an object literal. If we were to do carrot.scientific_name, we would get the property at that key.

But remember, in javascript, functions are first-class citizens. That means a function is simply treated as data, just like a string or a number or a boolean or whatever. So we could define a function, and assign it to a property of our object.

const carrot = {
  name: 'Carrot',
  scientific_name: 'Daucus carota',
  harvest: function() {
    alert("ACK!! YOU PICKED ME!");
// and, if we were to
// it would display the alert

Now that’s great, but we have no means of getting at the values of our carrot… within our carrot. That is, without some sort of context, we can’t reference the properties from inside our object. Which is where this comes in.

In javascript, we have “context” or “execution scope”. When a function is run, it runs from a given place. Our carrot.harvest() function (sometimes called a method, when its a function attached to an object) is executed in the context of our carrot object. And javascript provides the reserved this keyword to refer to the actual context our function is running in.

So if we have a class, like Vegetable, and it has a constructor method, that is in the “blueprint” or prototype of our carrot object. That means, when we create a new Vegetable, we create an empty object, and then we run the Vegetable.constructor as though it were being run inside our new object. It says to javascript “when you run .constructor(), the this property should be the new empty object.”

So when we do = name;, while the function itself is stored in the “blueprint” (the class Vegetable), javascript knows that the function is being executed within our new carrot object, making this (our context) our carrot.

this is a thing to be very cautious of. It is not something to take lightly, as it’s very easy, as you advance, to nest functions inside other functions, and inadvertently change context, rendering this as something you don’t expect.

The reason we use this in the example, might be made clearer by an extension of that example:

class Vegetable{
  constructor(name){ = name;
    // here, the parameter "name" doesn't exist. We have
    //  to use the object itself, using 'this'
    console.log("The "" was picked.")

So, by using, we can pass values to functions within our object. We couldn’t necessarily pass the parameter itself, but by assigning it to a property within our object, we can reference it elsewhere… within the object.

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Thank you for that very well written explanation, I feel I can now say I understand how this works (at least to the degree in where I am in learning JavaScript).

I’m not sure what else to say or ask because your reply answered my question and just about any follow up question that I could think of. I realize how silly I was to think that this had anything to do with the naming of the object being created, but if I hadn’t asked I wouldn’t have gotten this great reply.

Also thinking of the class Vegetable as a blueprint is really good way of looking at it for me.

Thank you again for taking the time to explain that to me !!!

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