Help with pause in Pomodoro Clock

Tell us what’s happening:

Pause works only when isn’t a last minute on a countdown regardless if it’s session or break. My suspicion is that this problem causes other tests to fail. Also test say that reset functionality doesn’t work, but it works.

Deeper explanation of my problem:
Method paused() is used to change state paused from false to true and vice-versa. That method is called inside a timer() method whose job also is to initiate setInterval. setInterval is been set in variable this.clearTimer. If it’s paused true then clearInterval() is initiated and timer is stopped.

When element with start_stop id is clicked, paused changes, evaluation occurs and as i said it before; false => setInterval goes; true => setInterval stops.

When unpaused, setInterval from values recorded in state. Problem is that when you pause timer which below one minute(59, 58 etc. sec.), it won’t resume countdown despite state of paused being changed from true to false?! If it’s countdown above 1min., start/pause works as prescribed.

Well, now test says there are errors where there are not. I console.log all values in question, even got said values from subtags directly into tags with given ids(i.e. “time-left”) for instance.
Here are some images of said errors:

Your code so far

class Pomodoro  extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
		this.state = {
            breakLength: 5,
            multiplier: 25,
            base: 1000,
            time: 0,
            minutes: 25,
            seconds: 60,
            paused: false,
            session: false,
            break: true,
            disabled: false,
        this.increment = this.increment.bind(this);
        this.decrement = this.decrement.bind(this);
        this.timer = this.timer.bind(this);
        this.reset = this.reset.bind(this);
        this.paused = this.paused.bind(this);
        this.myRef = React.createRef();
        this.clearTimer = null;

            time: ""+(this.state.multiplier*this.state.base*60),
            minutes: this.state.multiplier,
            seconds: this.state.seconds === 60 ? "00" : this.state.seconds ,

            paused: !this.state.paused


        if(this.state.paused === false){

            if((this.state.minutes!==0 && this.state.seconds!==0) || (this.state.seconds!==0)){

                this.clearTimer = setInterval(() => {
                        console.log("Sada ide session.");
                            time: ""+(this.state.time-this.state.base),
                            minutes: this.state.minutes > 0 ? Math.floor(((this.state.time-this.state.base)/(this.state.base))/60) : this.state.minutes,
                            seconds: this.state.seconds > 0 ? this.state.seconds-1 : 59,
                            session: (this.state.minutes===0 && this.state.seconds===1) ? true : false,
                            break: (this.state.minutes===0 && this.state.seconds===1) ? false : true,

                    if(this.state.break===false && this.state.session===true && this.state.time==="0"){
                        console.log("Kraj session-a. Sada ide resetovanje, pa break.");
                            time: ""+(this.state.breakLength*this.state.base*60),
                            minutes: this.state.breakLength,
                            seconds: 60,


                        console.log("Sada ide break.");
                            time: ""+(this.state.time-this.state.base),
                            minutes: this.state.minutes > 0 ? Math.floor(((this.state.time-this.state.base)/(this.state.base))/60) : this.state.minutes,
                            seconds: this.state.seconds > 0 ? this.state.seconds-1 : 59,
                            session: (this.state.minutes===0 && this.state.seconds===1) ? false : true,
                            break: (this.state.minutes===0 && this.state.seconds===1) ? true : false,


                    if(this.state.break===true && this.state.session===false && this.state.time==="0"){
                        console.log("Kraj break-a. Sada ide resetovanje, pa session.");
                            time: ""+(this.state.multiplier*this.state.base*60),
                            minutes: this.state.multiplier,
                            seconds: this.state.seconds === 60 ? "00" : this.state.seconds,


                }, this.state.base);





        this.myRef.current.currentTime = 0;
        this.clearTimer = null;
            breakLength: 5,
            multiplier: 25,
            base: 1000,
            time: ""+(25*1000*60),
            minutes: 25,
            seconds: 60,
            paused: false,
            session: false,
            break: true,
            disabled: false,


        let myId =;


                breakLength: this.state.breakLength <60 ? this.state.breakLength+1 : this.state.breakLength,

        else if(myId==="session-increment"){

                multiplier: this.state.multiplier < 60 ? this.state.multiplier+1 : this.state.multiplier,
                time: this.state.time !== "60" ? ""+((this.state.multiplier+1)*this.state.base*60) : this.state.time,
                minutes: this.state.minutes < 60 ? this.state.multiplier+1 : this.state.minutes,



        let myId =;

        if(myId==="break-decrement" && this.state.breakLength > 1){
                breakLength: this.state.breakLength > 1 ? this.state.breakLength-1 : this.state.breakLength,

        else if(myId==="session-decrement" && this.state.multiplier > 1 && this.state.time > 1 && this.state.minutes > 1){
                multiplier: this.state.multiplier > 1 ? this.state.multiplier-1 : this.state.multiplier,
                time: this.state.time > 1 ? (""+((this.state.multiplier-1)*this.state.base*60)) : this.state.time,
                minutes: this.state.minutes > 1 ? this.state.multiplier-1: this.state.minutes,




        const minutes = (""+this.state.minutes).length===1 ? "0"+this.state.minutes : this.state.minutes;
        const seconds = this.state.seconds===60 ? "00" : ((""+this.state.seconds).length===1 ? "0"+this.state.seconds : this.state.seconds);
        const time = minutes+":"+seconds;
            console.log("1: "+time);
            console.log("2: "+this.state.minutes+":"+this.state.seconds);

            alert("alert2: "+this.state.minutes+":"+this.state.seconds);

        const lastSesMin = (minutes==="00") ? {color: 'red',} : {};

        const decrement = this.clearTimer ? ()=>{} : this.decrement;
        const increment = this.clearTimer ? ()=>{} : this.increment;

        const item2Head = <h3 id="break-label">Break Length</h3>;
        const fa1 = <Fa klasa={"fa fa-arrow-down fa-2x"} id={"break-decrement"} onClick={decrement}/>;
        const fa2 = <Fa klasa={"fa fa-arrow-up fa-2x"} id={"break-increment"} onClick={increment}/>;
        const arr1 = [<Arrow klasa={"arrow"} key={0} arrow={item2Head}/>, <br key={1}/>, <Arrow klasa={"arrow"} key={2} arrow={fa1}/>, <Arrow id={"break-length"} klasa={"nums"} key={3} arrow={this.state.breakLength}/> , <Arrow key={4} klasa={"arrow"} arrow={fa2}/>];
        const item3Head = <h3 id="session-label">Session Length</h3>;
        const fa3 = <Fa klasa={"fa fa-arrow-down fa-2x"} id={"session-decrement"} onClick={decrement}/>;
        const fa4 = <Fa klasa={"fa fa-arrow-up fa-2x"} id={"session-increment"} onClick={increment}/>;
        const arr2 = [<Arrow klasa={"arrow"} key={0} arrow={item3Head}/>, <br key={1}/>, <Arrow klasa={"arrow"} key={2} arrow={fa3}/>, <Arrow klasa={"nums"} id={"session-length"} key={3} arrow={this.state.multiplier}/> , <Arrow key={4} klasa={"arrow"} arrow={fa4}/>];
        const countdownLabel = (this.state.session===false &&  this.state.break===true) ? "Session" : "Break";
        const item4Head = <h3 key={0} id={"timer-label"} style={lastSesMin}>{countdownLabel}</h3>;
        const nums2 = <div key={1} className="nums" style={lastSesMin} id={"time-left"}>{time}</div>;
        const arr3 = [item4Head, nums2];

        const fa5 = <Fa key={0} klasa={"fa fa-play arrow controls"} title={"start-pause"}/>;
        const fa6 = <Fa key={1} klasa={"fa fa-pause arrow controls"} title={"start-pause"}/>;
        const fa7 = <Fa key={2} klasa={"fa fa-refresh arrow controls"} id="reset" title={"reset"} onClick={this.reset}/>;
        const startPause = <div id="start_stop" key={4} onClick={this.timer}>{fa5}{fa6}</div>;
        const arr4 = [startPause, fa7];

            <div className="grid-container cent">
                <Item klasa={"item1"} arrowsAndNums={"Pomodoro Clock"}/>
                <Item klasa={"item2"} arrowsAndNums={arr1}/>

                <Item klasa={"item3"} arrowsAndNums={arr2}/>

                <Item klasa={"item4"} arrowsAndNums={arr3}/>

                <Item klasa={"item4"} arrowsAndNums={arr4}/>
                <audio ref={this.myRef} id="beep" src=""></audio>



You can see the code at: my pen
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Link to the challenge:

I’ve tried it on your codepen and it works, have you fixed it?

@lezojeda Did you try pausing countdown when it’s bellow 1min. and then try to unpause it? Is countdown continued afterwards?

Oh sorry, misread your post. No, it pauses and freezes. I’m reading your code to see if I can help you with a solution.

The problem, I think, resides in the line 47 if (this.state.minutes !== 0 && this.state.seconds !== 0). The method this.paused() works perfectly and changes the state from false to true while under 1 minute. But then if you want to resume the timer the this.state.minutes !== 0 evaluates to false and continues to

} else {

I’ve just tested it with some console.logging and I’m pretty sure that’s where your problem is. You could try coding around the if clause where it checks if minutes are !== 0 and see if you can work around for when timer is below 0.

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@lezojeda You were right. Changed that into if((this.state.minutes!==0 && this.state.seconds!==0) || (this.state.seconds!==0)){
I’m going to start now the test to see if things changed.

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Feel free to let me know if you make it work and you’d like some feedback on the final app, it seems like you’re about to finish it. Btw, besides this minor bug the code looks really nice and neat, I still find my pomodoro project’s code for the clock kinda messy and hard-coded.

@lezojeda I sorted stuff we discussed in comments, and i hoped that these errors that i had, are arised because of it, would be gone, but they aren’t. Care to take a gander at Edit2 images that shows errors? Also there should be no errors, i checked by console, but test say otherwise …

I’ve made some modification to my code that should address label changing.

It kind a works and i’m checking if it’s “00:00” displayed at id=“time-left”. I just don’t know why it fails these tests?