Hosting a website

I am not yet planning on hosting a website, but I would like to know if there are any sites which allow you to host your website for free with a free domain name.

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there are some services you can use for free (netlify, heroku, github pages), some of these can also be used with custom domain. Note that they have a limited scope, but if you don’t plan excessive things it can be enough


Thanks! Excessive things in this case refers to?

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I’ve heard Github Pages cannot do much.

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you need to check what the service offer, like monthly bandwith, number of visits etc. Like, you can’t have facebook on a free tier

also github pages allows only static pages (no back end)


Okay. Thank you. But Github Pages does offer JavaScript right?

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sure, it’s just backend that it doesn’t allow


Thanks a ton! That’ll help a lot in the future

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