let example= [“This”,“is”,“an”,“example”];
let stringEx = “exampleanis”;
//expected result [“example”,“an”,“is”] and it is related to the example array.
That’s basically what I want to achieve.
let example= [“This”,“is”,“an”,“example”];
let stringEx = “exampleanis”;
//expected result [“example”,“an”,“is”] and it is related to the example array.
That’s basically what I want to achieve.
You can use regex.
I would google search something like “Split a string based on multiple delimiters”
But I don’t have a delimiter in this instance “exampleanis”.
There is no space.
Take a look at this article.
Can I do something like this?
const operations=["+","-","*","/",".","(",")"];
38 | const numbers=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
39 | let allOfThem=[…variables,…operations,…numbers];
40 | var regex = new RegExp("("+allOfThem.join("|")+")", ‘gi’);
let example= ["This","is","an","example"];
let stringEx = "exampleanis";
//expected result [“example”,“an”,“is”] and it is related to the example array.
function finditout(array,string){
let result=[];
if (string.indexOf(str)!=-1){
return result;
Is this what you want?
I just search the array and push the elements which is in the string to a new array…
Oh,the order is a problem,use indexOf to resort the array can get the expected result.