How do I compute student report sheet fetching records from the database

I have a DB table named ‘examMarks’ with various student’s scores, and i would like to compute result from it obtaining position/rank of student in each subject. After several googling, i found an SQL script that does something similar but i realized it only compute position/rank of each subject for all the students at a go not individual. Please i need help. Below is the screen-grab of the DB table and the script i have tried so far.

(SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 FROM examMarks ref WHERE ref.totalMarks > main.totalMarks) as rank,
id, subjectId, CA1Exam, CA2Exam, examMark, totalMarks, markComments
FROM examMarks main Where classId = ‘$classId’
AND session = ‘$session’ AND term = ‘$term’ AND studentId = ‘$studentId’
ORDER BY subjectId ASC);

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Happy coding :slight_smile:

Thank you @ArielLeslie for your response, I have provided the script I tried already…please see it above.