How does this code look in terms of readability. Had some problems with naming here

Purpose of the code at the 1st comment.

I am aware that
first two constants can be replaced by function
the second constant can be generated by mapping from the first one.
But I don’t see any issues with my implementation also.

Main question, however
did I manage to name variables properly?

How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?


//serial numbers of starting days of months

//for usual(non-leap) years

const firstsUsual = [
  1, //jan
  32, //feb
  60, //mar
  91, //apr
  121, //may
  152, //jun
  182, //jul
  213, //aug
  244, //sep
  274, //oct
  305, //nov
  335 //dec

//for leap years

const firstsLeap = [
  1, //jan
  32, //feb
  61, //mar
  92, //apr
  122, //may
  153, //jun
  183, //jul
  214, //aug
  245, //sep
  275, //oct
  306, //nov
  336 //dec

//1st jan 1900 >>> Monday
const sunday1900 = 7;


//to check year: leap or not

const isLeap = (year) => {
  return (year % 4 === 0 && year !== 1900)
        ? true : false;

//to get serial number of the first sunday
//of the given year

const getFirstSunday = (year) => {
  if (year === 1900) {return sunday1900;}
  let firstSunday = sunday1900;
  for (let i = 1901; i <= year; i++) {
    if (isLeap(i - 1)) {firstSunday -= 2;}
    else {firstSunday --;}
    if (firstSunday === 0) {firstSunday = 7;}
    else if (firstSunday === -1){firstSunday = 6;}
  return firstSunday;

//to count sundays which also were
//1st days of month in the given year


if 1st sunday >>> 7
all sundays >>> 7, 14, 21, 28...
sunday % 7 === 0

if 1st sunday >>> 3
all sundays >>> 3, 10, 17, 24...
sunday % 7 === 1st sunday

const countFirstsAndAlsoSundays = (year, firstSunday) => {
  let counter = 0;
  let listOfFirsts;
  if (isLeap(year)) {
    listOfFirsts = firstsLeap;
  else {
    listOfFirsts = firstsUsual;
  for (let day of listOfFirsts) {
    if (firstSunday === 7) {
      if (day % 7 === 0) {counter++;}
    else {
      if (day % 7 === firstSunday) {counter++;}
  return counter;

//sum results from UNIT3 for years in the give range

function countingSundays(firstYear, lastYear) {
  let sundaysInRange = 0;
  for (let year = firstYear; year <= lastYear; year++) {
    sundaysInRange += countFirstsAndAlsoSundays(
                        year, getFirstSunday(year)
  return sundaysInRange;

countingSundays(1943, 1946);

I think that the variable names overall make sense to me.

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