How to add name to freecodecamp certificate

i know this topic has been discussed multiple times but im genuinely so confused i finished the responsive web design course and im trying to get my certificate but it says “We need your name so we can put it on your certification. Add your name to your account settings and click the save button. Then we can issue your certification.” but problem is my account settings dont have anything name related all it has is night mode and campfire mode and i dont really think its related to account settings and ive tried linking my account to github but it didnt work, is this maybe because i made my freecodecamp account with a google account?

You can add your name via your Profile, by clicking on the pencil icon as shown here:

The profile now has the place to add your name. That was a recent change and the message was not updated, I am opening a bug ticket right now for that.
You also need to make your name public, that is in your settings.