hey friends I want to become a web developer I m to confuse about how to start and how can I get job in these fields shortly
Hi @pradeep4 !
You can simply start learning web development with FreeCodeCamp.
The responsive web design part of freecodecamp curriculum is where you are going to start. You will learn all important Html and CSS in this part.
Continue the curriculum after this.
I found this article today. You can read this for your understanding.
This is the only pattern for Learning web development (at least to my knowledge) . You can also choose other sources like W3 Schools, codeacademy, etc. Getting a job shortly depends on the effort you will put and probably luck.
Hi @pradeep4 !
Welcome to the forum!
FCC teaches Full stack JavaScript and Python.
The first six certifications cover the MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack and the other 4 cover python.
I would also encourage you to build projects outside of the course for continual practice and deeper understanding of the material.
I also think you should read that article.
But I also have a bias because I know the author
Try not to focus on how quickly you can get a job.
Right now, it is really important you build up a good foundational knowledge.
I would also suggest getting involved in the tech community and start building connections.
Don’t wait to start networking when you are applying for jobs.
Building genuine connections takes time.
Start getting involved now.
When you focus on building genuine connections with other developers it will help you break into this industry better than just applying online.
Plus, being plugged into a community will teach you what this industry is all about.
And you can help each other along the way.
thank you so much @jwilkins.oboe for your valuable feedback,
i will definitely look upon it.
thank you so much @mrohanrajput for your valuable feedback,
I will definitely look into it.
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