I am trying to figure out how to center the movie images and caption, as well as the background and trivia facts section. Often times I go back and forth between a laptop and a desktop, and I have noticed that the adjustments that I make on one monitor doesn’t look the same on the other. I tried resolving this by using flex which I thought would be a good way to further understanding how flexbox works by implementing them, but I think I ended up confusing myself.
I would like to have feedbacks on my code on where it needs correction, etc. MyCodePen
Thank you in advance!
There is a new CSS propertyplace-content: center; that will center your flexboxes in both directions.
Finally, when I confuse myself, I find it helpful to make a new pen with the minimum necessary code (e.g. just the div containing the movie posters) and experiment until I get it right.
Thank you for the tip on the analyze, it was very helpful on seeing what I’m missing, etc in the code when the code starts getting a bit messy and slightly overwhelming!
I have tried testing out the place-content property, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference when I added (and removing) it in an element.
And got it! That is a helpful tip and will try to do just that.