Hello, would you be able to provide any thoughts as to how to change the codepen links for the individual projects in https://www.freecodecamp.org/settings under the ’ Responsive Web Design’ certifications section?
Hi @sreejithu, under the Certifications section of your profile you should be able to click the project name link for the project you want to update the URL for. That will take you to the page that describes the project and at the bottom there is an input box for your new URL, paste it in there, and then click the “I’ve completed this challenge” button and that should do it.
In your settings page, you can submit new links to projects.
Hi @robertgroves and @ArielLeslie,
I’m having the same problem. I had submitted a few projects before realizing I was better off creating a codepen account. I’ve tried both of your suggestions and the Show Solution button in settings and the date on the profile still point to a blank codepen. Is there something I’m missing?
Thank you for your help.
If you didn’t fork the project and save it to your account, then you didn’t save the project.
I’m not trying to be unkind; it’s just that there’s nothing else to say. If you didn’t save it, it’s gone.
Thanks for reaching out to me. I understand. I do have it saved locally. I created a new codepen and tried to update, but it is still blank.
I have figured it out and thought it could help someone else. Just make sure you press the “Submit and go to next project” button in the window that appears AFTER you enter the url and press the “I’ve completed this challenge” button.
I’m glad you got it sorted out!
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