How to do a Round Slider

What’s the simplest way to do a round slider? given an input like this:

<input type="range" id="myRange" value="1" max="100">

This is just a regular straight input range, I am trying to do something like this:

Can this be done only with CSS or will I need JavaScript for this task?

That’s what I’m wondering about, but I can’t find any CSS example for some reason. I just want to be able to make the input round with only CSS, I know that I will need JavaScript to display the value.

You can’t just use CSS to turn an input range into a round slider. For a round slider you need to handle all yourself, that means, you need to create it from scratch.

Here is an example of mine:

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I am using a jQuery plugin called roundslider, if any one has ever used this plugin before I’d appreciate a hand to help me custom the round slider.

It seems I can’t use linear gradient for the progress bar and I also need to add some elements inside the slider (on top and below of the value). This is what Im trying to do:


And here’s what I have:


@Gilbert1391, are you still faced any difficulties to customize the round slider? you can also post your query in roundslider website…

I managed to do it, thank you.

Find working code below:

<div id="roundslider1" class="roundslider"></div>
<div id="roundslider2" class="roundslider"></div>
<div id="roundslider3" class="roundslider"></div>
    sliderType: "default",
    value: 50

    sliderType: "min-range",
    value: 50

    sliderType: "range",
    value: "20,50"