How to map an array of objects, to return an array of objects with new keys

I’m trying to render array objects, but my code only renders one object and throws an error when I try to add multiple objects.

If I try to add another Question set, it throws the following error: Line 16: Parsing error: Unexpected token

questions =  [
  question: "Who is the president of America?",
  answers: {
    a: "Buhari",
    b: "Putin",
    c: "Trump"
  question: "What is  4+4 ?",
  answers: {
    a: "8",
    b: "9",
    c: "71"

this.state = {
    question : [],

  question: questions
  return (    
      <div className = "container">
      <button type="button" onClick={()=>this.handleQuestion()}>
        Show Question


            <li key={i}>{data.question}       
              <div>a : {data.answers.a}</div>
              <div>b : {data.answers.b}</div>
              <div>c : {data.answers.c}</div>


 export default App;

Your Question Object are malformed, you forgot to close a }:

  question: "Who is the president of America?",
  answers: {
    a: "Buhari",
    b: "Putin",
    c: "Trump"
  }, // close answers

// missing } 

Try to clean it and see if it gets better :+1:

yes, it’s better now thanks