[Editing this post, as the topic becomes more clear]
Does anyone know how to set the path variables for a Mac OS?
Current folder structure:
/[a lot of applications]
/[nothing, except a couple hidden files]
Right now, if I run the command psql, I am getting “command not found”
If I type the full path "/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/12/bin/psql, it works. But typing this every time is not practical.
If I run “git” that command is available, or “code .”
Also, I installed “netlify-cli” globally with “npm install -g netlify-cli”, but when I run “netlify-cli”, I get “command not found” and I don’t know where to find it in my system
… So, something is working correctly with my paths, and something is not. I don’t know how to fix the problem, without messing up other paths.
Does anyone know how I could find out where “netlify-cli” got installed and fix my paths to “netlify-cli” and “psql” without messing up any other paths?
Thanks for any pointers!