You know how on google you can stop the html from getting smaller after a certain screen width? Like the google search page will only downsize so much before it just stops. Is there anyway i can do this on my html? I’m new to bootstrap.
Here is my pen -->
I tried @media screen and (max-width: 1080px) and (min-width: 520px)
but did nothing.
If i go on google search --> inspect --> change the width of the page by dragging it, you can see it stops downsizing and trying to change the html after a certain limit.
hmm a little confused about what you mean by “html down-sizing”…
For text, you can try searching for viewport sized typography. But it also takes some cacl() to make them fail-safe, otherwise they can get way too small on mobile, way too big on desktop.
For HTML elements, you can set them with a fluid width (%, vw, etc), and a fixed min-width to keep them from going extremely small.
If i go on google search --> inspect --> change the width of the page by dragging it, you can see it stops downsizing and trying to change the html after a certain limit.
Maybe this is what you want?
body {
min-width: 520px;