Html step 6 with the h2 element and the main element

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I need help with Your h2 element should be below the main element’s opening tag and its opening tag should start 6 spaces over from the start of the line.
Your code so far

     <li> Child Element 1 </li>
     <li> Child Element 2 </li>
          <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
        <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
        <p>Click here to view more cat photos.</p>
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Challenge: Step 6

Link to the challenge:

HI @Islambasem1357 !
Welcome to the forum!

I would reset the lesson.

This step confuses a lot of people.
But they only want you to take the h2, p and comments tags and move them two spaces to the right.

If you need more help then read this helpful article

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