I’m having trouble with User Story #6:" If I enter an email that is not formatted correctly, I will see an HTML5 validation error " in Responsive Web Design Projects - Build a Survey Form. How do I do this??
sure! warning, its a little messy
Ok thanks! but what is the test script?
Ok, I have added the link to my JS module’s pen settings. Nothing has happened. Did I do it right? Is anything suppose to happen?
hamburger menu?? What and where is that?
Oh. Never mind I found it. Thank you so much for all your help!!!
please can you tell me where this menu ?
Ok, it’s working know.
you must give “email” as input type.
like this
Hi Randell,
I am having the exact same issue. I have done everything you said, but I’m still getting the error for #6.
I’ll attach the link to my project. Could you please tell me if anything is wrong?
Thank you so much!
I GOT IT!! I looked into Booklion’s HTML and made one change to “input type”:
<div class="form-group">
<label id="email-label" for="email">Email</label>
placeholder="Enter your email"
Before, I was using “input type=“text””. I actually put “type=text” because the sample survey form was using “text” for it. Can I ask why the sample was using “type=text” and not “type=email”? What’s the difference?
The difference is that the browser will be so kind and validate the entered data before letting you click the submit button. If someone enters myemail@provider
or myemail/provider.com
, the browser won’t let them send the data, because those aren’t valid email addresses. For inputs with type=text
, there is no such validation. The user can enter whatever he wants.
The sample btw does use type=email
, assuming that you’re referring to this codepen: https://codepen.io/freeCodeCamp/pen/VPaoNP
Ah I see. I understand now. Thank you so much!
Yes, I was referring to that codepen. It does say type=“email”… I might have seen it wrong, my apologies. Thank you again!
Hey @camperextraordinaire i am having problems with that test script because whenever i run it with my survey form it grades it based on the Tribute Page user stories.
can you please assist me with that one please because i wanna move on from this project
Hey never mind i got it!