I have problems with solving the User Story #9 The img element should be centered within its parent element.
Obviously I am doing something wrong but I do not know what. I have positioned my img element inside a div element, I do not know what else can I do.

Link to my code pen:

Please help, Ty.

You linked to the test suite template…

I think now is better.

Do you maybe have a solution to my problem.
I would paste the section that is troubling me but when I paste it only a picture of Nikola Tesla shows up.

After you paste the code, select it and use the </> button in the code to format it, it will make backticks appear around it so that the code shows
Like this:

You need to center your img tag. In your CSS try adding margin to the img tag.

I have tried but no succes. I think the problem is in HTML not in CSS :confused:
This is my CSS for the image element

display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 50%;

And this is the code now.

So the problem is in the image element. User Story #9: The img element should be centered within its parent element. Here I would say that the div is the parent element, or am I wrong?

<div id="img-div">
	<img id="image" src="" alt="" > 

	<p id="img-caption">Nikola Tesla on the picture</p>


	<img class="image1" 


<a href="" id="tribute-link" 
target="_blank">More interesting stuff</a>

    No it is your CSS.

    It is centered now but you have it on your image ID not your img tag. Change #image to img and you’ll get a different error now (you still need to set the responsive code in your CSS)

    I inserted the script FCC provides that allows you to check which stories you’ve completed (you don’t have it), and you are missing the responsive image.

    <script src=""></script>

    Failed Test:

    1. The <img> element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size.
    Try using the "max-width" style property : expected 'none' to not equal 'none'
    AssertionError: Try using the "max-width" style property : expected 'none' to not equal 'none'
        at s.l (
        at s.e.(anonymous function) [as equal] (
        at Function.n.notStrictEqual (
        at r.<anonymous> (
        at c (
        at (
        at m.runTest (
        at s (

    Basically, add a max-width: 100%; item to your image.
    Solution (only use if you’re completely stumped):

       display: block;
       margin-left: auto;
       margin-right: auto;
       width: 50%;

    Thank you. You were right. I had to make the image responsive. This is the code that I used

    #image {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    max-width: 625px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    display: block;

    Thank you. I passed the test by making the picture responsive.
    My tribute site now:

    Don’t use px values!!!
    Use percentages, like 75%…

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