My help posts go out cut or shortened, don’t know why. Can’t finish task because of it. May anybody help?
If you are struggling with a particular step and need help from the forum, you can click on the help icon which appears after you’ve submitted incorrect code three times.
This will create a post for you which includes your full code and a direct link to the challenge in question. You will also have the opportunity to explain your issue before you submit the post.
I did right like that. but my explaining shortened and no link added. I did like that in the past and it was worked, but at the moment - no.
Can you paste your full code here please? Click on the Preformatted Text tool </>
and paste your code between the two sets of triple backticks.
You should still have a link to the challenge in the auto generated post unless you delete it.
You need to copy-paste your code into the post sometimes. There are instructions in the post itself if the code is truncated.
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