I am getting an error running this discord bot code. Can anyone help?

> import os
> import discord
> from discord.ext import commands
> import traceback
> import sys
> import asyncio
> from typing import Union
> from discord import utils
> from discord.errors import Forbidden
> intents = discord.Intents.default() #IMPORTANT:Enable all Privileged Gateway Intents in https://discord.com/developers/applications/ 
> intents.members = True
> TOKEN="OTgwMTQ0NDQ1NjI4NDk3OTcw.G89OAI.55URWtsMgkzVEeplQoctLVPu9BMF4u1rP7Ah5g" #example - "bjqfebjlnqklnifbnaewnhnfoiqefioqip"
> PREFIX=";" #put your prefix here
> bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix =PREFIX,
>                    intents=intents,
>                    help_command=None,
>                    case_insensitive=True)
> #mute role creation
> async def create_mute_role(guild):
>     perms = discord.Permissions(send_messages=False)
>     mute_role = await guild.create_role(name="Muted", color=discord.Color.dark_grey(), permissions=perms)
>     for channel in guild.channels:
>         await channel.set_permissions(mute_role, send_messages=False)
>     return mute_role
> warn_count = {}
> @bot.command(name="warn")
> @commands.has_guild_permissions(kick_members=True)
> async def warn(ctx, user: discord.Member = None, *, reason=None):
>     if user is None or reason is None:
>         await ctx.send("Insufficient arguments.")
>     elif ctx.author.top_role.position <= user.top_role.position and ctx.guild.owner.id != ctx.author.id:
>         await ctx.send("You cannot warn this user because their role is higher than or equal to yours.")
>     else:
>         print(f"Warning user {user.name} for {reason}...")
>         if str(user) not in warn_count:
>             warn_count[str(user)] = 1
>         else:
>             warn_count[str(user)] += 1
>         embed = discord.Embed(
>             title=f"{user.name} has been warned", color=discord.Colour.red())
>         embed.add_field(name="Reason", value=reason)
>         embed.add_field(name="This user has been warned",
>                         value=f"{warn_count[str(user)]} time(s)")
>         await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed)
> @bot.command(name="warncount")
> async def warncount(ctx, user: discord.Member):
>     if str(user) not in warn_count:
>         warn_count[str(user)] = 0
>         count = warn_count[str(user)]
>         await ctx.send(f"{user.mention} has been warned {count} time(s)")
> @bot.command(name="mute")
> @commands.has_guild_permissions(kick_members=True)
> async def mute(ctx, user: discord.Member = None, time: str = None):
>     if user is None:
>         await ctx.send("Insufficient arguments.")
>     elif ctx.author.top_role.position <= user.top_role.position and ctx.guild.owner.id != ctx.author.id:
>         await ctx.send("You cannot mute this user because their role is higher than or equal to yours.")
>     else:
>         guild = ctx.guild
>         mute_role = None
>         for role in guild.roles:
>             if role.name.lower() == "muted":
>                 mute_role = role
>                 break
>         if mute_role in user.roles:
>             await ctx.send("This user is already muted.")
>         else:
>             if not mute_role:
>                 await ctx.send("This server does not have a `Muted` Role. Creating one right now.")
>                 await ctx.send("This may take some time.")
>                 mute_role = await create_mute_role(guild)
>             if time is None:
>                 await user.add_roles(mute_role)
>                 await ctx.send(f"User {user.mention} has been muted! They cannot speak.")
>             else:
>                 time_unit = None
>                 parsed_time = None
>                 if "s" in time:
>                     time_unit = "seconds"
>                     parsed_time = time[0:(len(time) - 1)]
>                 elif "m" in time:
>                     time_unit = "minutes"
>                     parsed_time = time[0:(len(time) - 1)]
>                 elif "h" in time:
>                     time_unit = "hours"
>                     parsed_time = time[0:(len(time) - 1)]
>                 else:
>                     time_unit = "minutes"  # default to minutes if user doesn't provide a time unit
>                     parsed_time = time[0:len(time)]
>                 await user.add_roles(mute_role)
>                 await ctx.send(f"User {user.mention} has been muted for {parsed_time} {time_unit}! They cannot speak.")
>                 if time_unit == "seconds":
>                     await asyncio.sleep(int(parsed_time))
>                 elif time_unit == "minutes":
>                     await asyncio.sleep(int(parsed_time) * 60)
>                 elif time_unit == "hours":
>                     await asyncio.sleep(int(parsed_time) * 3600)
>                 await user.remove_roles(mute_role)
>                 await ctx.send(f"User {user.mention} has been unmuted after {parsed_time} {time_unit}! They can speak now.")
> @bot.command(name="unmute")
> @commands.has_guild_permissions(kick_members=True)
> async def unmute(ctx, user: discord.Member = None):
>     if user is None:
>         await ctx.send("Insufficient arguments.")
>     elif ctx.author.top_role.position <= user.top_role.position and ctx.guild.owner.id != ctx.author.id:
>         await ctx.send("You cannot unmute this user because their role is higher than or equal to yours.")
>     else:
>         guild = ctx.guild
>         mute_role = None
>         for role in guild.roles:
>             if role.name.lower() == "muted":
>                 mute_role = role
>                 break
>         if mute_role in user.roles:
>             if not mute_role:
>                 mute_role = await create_mute_role(guild)
>             await user.remove_roles(mute_role)
>             await ctx.send(f"User {user.mention} has been unmuted! They can now speak.")
>         else:
>             await ctx.send("This user was never muted.")
> bot.run(os.environ('TOKEN')

I hope that is not your actual bot token, if it’s so your bot is compromised and you need to regenerate it

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