I am not getting it. need help please

Tell us what’s happening:

// Setup

var sum = 0;

function addThree() {

  sum = sum + 3;


// Only change code below this line

function addFive(){

  addfive =+ 5;

  addfive =+ 3;

  var result = addfive(); 


// Only change code above this line



Your code so far

// Setup
var sum = 0;

function addThree() {
sum = sum + 3;

// Only change code below this line
function addFive(){
addfive =+ 5;
addfive =+ 3;
var result = addfive(); 

// Only change code above this line


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Challenge: Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function

Link to the challenge:

Minor error: Flip the =+ to +=.

There’s another error besides that, but with some debugging, I believe you can get it.

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look at how addThree function is made, and think if it matches. You need to add five to the sum variable

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I have gotten the answer