I can't see my error

I am starting learning python and I cant see what error I made. Please check my error and tell me.

response = float(input("What time is it? (In hours) "))
second_response = float(input("How many hours to wait? "))
if (response + second_response) < 24:
 final_hour = response + second_response
if response + second_response > 24:
 final_hour = response + (second_response - ((second_response // 24) * 24)
print("The clock will be on " + str(final_hour) + " hours. ")

In terms of the code, Iā€™m not a Python guy, but in your second to last line, I think you need to count your parentheses.

In terms of the algorithm, what happens if (response + second_response) is exactly equal to 24? Try it out.

You forgot to close some parenethes.

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here is a correction by me for your codes, run it and you wont see errors

response = float(input("What time is it? (In hours) "))
second_response = float(input("How many hours to wait? "))
if response + second_response < 24:
final_hour = response + second_response
final_hour = response + second_response - ((second_response // 24) * 24)

print("The clock will be on " + str(final_hour) + " hours. ")

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On 6th line, add a closing parentheses to the end