Time calculator project

Hi rajpreet,
I am nayan i am struggling with the time calculator project . here is the replit link. Can you help me correct?


Hi Carlos,
I am nayan i am struggling with the time calculator project . here is the replit link. Can you help me correct?


Hi, you should first take care of yours blank spaces. you sholud run the test.py file and see the errors for example:

6:01 PM  
6:10 PM  
FAIL: test_different_period (test_module.UnitTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/fcc-time-calculator-nayan/test_module.py", line 15, in test_different_period
    self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 'Expected calling "add_time()" with "11:55 AM", "3:12" to return "3:07 PM"')
AssertionError: '3:07 PM  ' != '3:07 PM'
- 3:07 PM  
?        --
+ 3:07 PM
 : Expected calling "add_time()" with "11:55 AM", "3:12" to return "3:07 PM"

the other is 11:55 AM when you add 5 minutes its goint to be 12:00 PM changes from AM to PM

begin fixing those errors '3:07 PM ’ whith spaces != ‘3:07 PM’

Hi Nayankoshiya , Sorry for very late reply. Have you solved it now ?

Hi rajpreet,

No no I haven’t , can you please look into my code and suggest me because I am getting confused.
