I can't see the mistake

Why when i run this code appears me Noner when i go answer a question?

first_question = input(print("Who do you bet for? "))

if first_question == "tim" or first_question == "tess" or first_question == "alex" or first_question == "duck" or first_question  == "dog":
	second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	if second_question < 0:
		print("The bet can't take negative valours! ")
		second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
		while second_question < 0:
			print("The bet can't take negative valours! ")
			second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	if second_question == 0:
		print("The bet can't be equal to 0 ! ")
		second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
		while second_question == 0:
			print("The bet can't be equal to 0! ")
			second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	if second_question > 100:
		print("The bet can't be above the money you have! ")
		second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
		while second_question > 100:
			print("The bet can't be above the money you have! ")
			second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	if second_question >= 0 and second_question <= 100:
		total_money = 100 - second_question 

if first_question != "tim" or first_question != "tess" or first_question != "alex" or first_question != "duck" or first_question != "dog":
	print("There is no runner with that name. ")
	first_question = input(print("Who do you bet for?"))
	while first_question != "tim" or "tess" or "alex" or "duck" or "dog":
		print("There is no runner with that name. ")
		first_question = input(print("Who do you bet for? "))
if first_question == "tim" or first_question == "tess" or first_question == "alex" or first_question == "duck" or first_question == "dog":
    second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
if second_question < 0:
	print("The bet can't take negative valours! ")
	second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	while second_question < 0:
		print("The bet can't take negative valours! ")
		second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
if second_question == 0:
	print("The bet can't be equal to 0 ! ")
	second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	while second_question == 0:
		print("The bet can't be equal to 0 ! ")
		second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
if second_question > 100:
	print("The bet can't be above the money you have! ")
	second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))
	while second_question > 100:
	    print("The bet can't be above the money you have! ")
	    second_question = int(input(print("How much you bet? ")))

Why did you use while loops with the same conditions as your if sentences?

I am still a beginner and i wanna the program to be detailed and i, for now, just know hot to do that in this way. But why it appears me None?

You have too much print statements. Comment all while loops inside of if statements and try to run your code. Maybe you should have some function and return something, because all your if sentences are exceptions. If you input a correct number, what a program should do, return?

please send the error you are getting

you always have indentation problem
check your if statements very well and see
they are not in order

My problem is that appears, when it’s supposed to answer the question “None” written.

Who do you bet for? 

ok well thats from the variable you specified

first_question = int(input(print("Who do you bet for? ")))

It’s a name, not a number.

im checking it now hold on

It should be possible to solve with int too. Maybe you can put a string instead of int.

Nope, “None” is still appearing.

still checking but the mistake if from the while loop and your if statements when comparing attributes

So, how should I do it?

well it’s kind of hard to fine the line the mistake is really but just give me a moment when im done then i will explain how i did it