I created a flashcard project and you can seperate your cards under different types

Hi, this is a self learner of coding from free internet resources since summer.

Recently I decided to create a complex project for me with lots of possibilities inside JavaScript. So I created this project and uploaded to be used on Github. It is called “Remember Me”.

I would like to see other coders’ ideas about it and maybe advices for this project and future as well.

Also if you notice a bug or a mistake please let me know. As my experience It works without error but It won’t be surprise if you see one of them since this is my first complex project.

You can see the explanation of how to use from here.
You can see and use the project from here.

Here how it looks in dark mode:

Hi @cptemre. Welcome to FCC.

Nice job. I love the dark theme.

It would be better if you incorporate user manual (or whatever it is called) in the app so that I don’t have to go to another page to check out how to use it. Even after trying it out, I can’t say I have understood what exactly the app does or how it works.

Secondly you will have to look at improving accessibility. After generating lighthouse scores, all the scores are >90 except accessibility.

Finally, probably you forgot to remove the console.log from your JS file. I don’t know what purpose it serves but I believe it shouldn’t be there in production, or does it?

console.log(document.body.clientWidth + ' wide by ' + document.body.clientHeight+'

Hey, thanks for your comment.

It is a good idea to put manual inside the app to see how to use. I will change it before my next project.

The purpose is actually simple. For example you are learning English then you are creating a type of English under “add a flashcard”. Then you start adding words in English and in your native language. From “select a flashcard” you can select the type you created and see the words inside of it to practice the words you want to learn. With hiding and showing the words.

About “console.log” i left it purposely for no reason :slight_smile: . I am kind of new in coding so I just left it as a note to myself for future, in case I forget. I didn’t need that code actually :). But thanks for letting me know. It could be a mistake after all.