I have fixed my some error but not all .please help me how to fixed

1- Each element with the class of “main-section” should also have an id comprised of the innerText contained within it, with underscores in place of spaces. The id may include special characters if there are special characters in the respective innerText. (e.g. The that contains the header, “JavaScript & Java”, should have a corresponding id=“JavaScript_&_Java”).

----> i have write id=“a_b” similer to javascript_&_java as mention , but it still show up the error , i dont know what to do now ,

 <a class="nav-link" href="#a_b">Door</a><hr>

2- When I click on a navbar element, the page should navigate to the corresponding section of the “main-doc” element (e.g. If I click on a “nav-link” element that contains the text “Hello world”, the page navigates to a element that has that id and contains the corresponding .

----> i have already link the id to anchor tag but i am still stuck here

 <a class="nav-link" href="#a_b">Door</a><hr>

and one more thing , how can i do more designing on technical ducmentation page , its enough designing ? please suggest me i am confused

look below the failed user story to see the error:

Each 'main-section' should have an id attribute

for example…

<section class="main-section">

this one doesn’t have an id

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i m still not found any sollution . i write id but not working yet

. Each element with the class of “main-section” should also have an id comprised of the innerText contained within it, with underscores in place of spaces. The id may include special characters if there are special characters in the respective innerText. (e.g. The that contains the header, “JavaScript & Java”, should have a corresponding id=“JavaScript_&_Java”).

it still show a error

please help , please , i am waiting for your answer , idid’t understand what to do now, i write id element but it still show an error


Each element with the class of “main-section” should also have an id comprised of the innerText contained within it, with underscores in place of spaces. The id may include special characters if there are special characters in the respective innerText. (e.g. The that contains the header, “JavaScript & Java”, should have a corresponding id=“JavaScript_&_Java”).

Hey @Arzo , I have attached the link to my technical documentation project , its a very small error you can solve it just by comparing the two projects. Hope that helps . Best of Luck

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Hello there,

I have combined your topics. Please do not create multiple topics for the same code/project.

In fact, it is usually best to continue with projects, up to the point you can go no further on your own, before opening a topic. That way, you can ask all of the questions you are struggling with in one post, and get them all answered faster.

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ok sky020 ,i will ask in one post now