I just want to understand how does the programm knows, that animal.prototype refers/is conected to any instanceof.bear/cat?

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i did the code correct, but I just want to understand how does the programm knows, that animal.prototype refers/is conected to any instanceof.bear/cat?

 i did the code correct, but I just want to understand how does the programm knows, that animal.prototype refers/is conected to any instanceof.bear/cat?

function Cat(name) {
this.name = name;

Cat.prototype = {
constructor: Cat,


function Bear(name) {
this.name = name;

Bear.prototype = {
constructor: Bear,


function Animal() { }

Animal.prototype = {
constructor: Animal,
 eat: function() {
  console.log("nom nom nom");

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Challenge: Use Inheritance So You Don’t Repeat Yourself

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I just want to understand how does the programm knows, that animal.prototype refers/is conected to any instanceof.bear/cat?

when i would create a cat with the cat constructor, which dont has the function eat in it, it would still be created with the function eat, because its in Animal.prototype, but i dont understand, where does the program know it from, that Animal.prototype is a superttype for cat ?

In the code for that challenge, Bear and Cat aren’t subtypes of Animal yet. How to do that will be covered in the next two inheritance lessons.

Thanks i got it :grin: :grin:

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