I need help - HTML

7. The navbar should contain at least one link that I can click on to navigate to different sections of the page.

What’s the issue?

<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>

<header id="welcome-section">Witcher Services
  <h1>Geralt of Rivia</h1>

<div id="nav-welcome">
<div id="nav-box">
<nav id="navbar">
  <a href="#welcome-section">Home</a>
  <a href="#projects">Cotracts</a>
  <a href="#Skills">Certification</a>
  <section id="projects"> Contracts
    <div class="project-tile">
      <a href="https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Contract:_Jenny_o%27_the_Woods"></section>Jenny of the Woods</a>
      <section id="Skills">Certificatios</section>

I would take some time to clean up what you have. Messy code is often a sign of a messy thought process.

Format your code as you go. Good indenting and spacing makes for easier to read code.

Each of these:

  <a href="#welcome-section">Home</a>
  <a href="#projects">Cotracts</a>
  <a href="#Skills">Certification</a>

has a different href than what their text implies. How can you keep track of this? And why is “Skills” capitalized? Why is “Contracts” misspelled?

Why are the content sections inside the “header”

I would fix those. Don’t worry about the content of your sections yet, but add some dummy text so they take many lines so you can see the nav linking work. See if you can get the skeleton for the navigation working before you worry about anything else.

Try that and if you run into trouble, check back. But I wouldn’t want to try to diagnose this until it is a little more orderly - it would be like trying to paint over rust.

I’m not trying to discourage you, just trying to point you in the right direction.


I have revised my spacing, indentation, and added further text.
The issue was somehow solved. What was causing the conflict in the first place?
Its most likely because of the header issue I had.

<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>

<header id="welcome-section">
  <h1>Geralt of Rivia</h1>
  <p>The White Wolf</p>

<div id="nav-welcome">
<div id="nav-box">
<nav id="navbar">
  <a href="#welcome-section">Home</a>
  <a href="#projects">Contracts</a>
  <a href="#skills">Certification</a>
  <a id="profile-link" href="https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Geralt_of_Rivia" target="_blank"> Likedin</a>

  <section id="projects">
    <div class="project-tile">
      <a href="https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Contract:_Jenny_o%27_the_Woods" target="_blank">Jenny of the Woods</a>
        While in the area around the village of Midcopse, Geralt decided to look around and see if there wasn't anyone in need of a witcher. It just so happened there was - on the local notice board hung an offer of a bounty for ridding the area of a monster called Jenny o' the Woods. Geralt decided this was something he should look into.
Geralt discovered that the monster the locals called Jenny o' the Woods was in fact a common nightwraith. This unfortunate being had been born of a woman murdered by her rejected lover. The story of their star-crossed fate moved me to pen a tear-jerking ballad... but the witcher was mainly moved to find a way to bait and destroy the wraith.
Geralt drove off the nightwraith that the unfortunate Zula had become. I derive some small pleasure in knowing that a person to whom life had been so cruel found at least this measure of relief after death...

      <section id="skills">
        <div class="project-tile">
          <a href="https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Witcher" target="_blank">Witcher</a>
          graduate from <a href="https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/School_of_the_Wolf" target="_blank">School of the Wolf</a>
            Taken in as children, witchers-to-be are subjected to intense alchemical processes, consumption of mutagenic compounds, and relentless physical and magical training to make them dangerous and highly versatile against their vast array of opponents, many of which possess superhuman speed, strength and/or other deadly powers. These procedures ultimately mean that each fully-trained witcher is a mutant built specifically to hunt and kill inhuman prey. The key permanent results of mutations shared by all witchers include:

Sterility (which partially explains selection from the outsiders, as they cannot breed to pass on their traits).
Over developed libido, which caused many rumors to spring up about them.
Cat-like eyes that grant very acute nightvision - witchers can constrict their pupils to see in blinding light or open them to see in near pitch darkness. This nightvision can be further enhanced with the cat potion, but in general, it is good enough by itself to not require further enhancement. Their entire sensory system is overall enhanced, allowing them to identify the species of animal from the scent of their blood, and detect nearby beings even when out of sight.
Tremendous resistance to disease (which functions in most cases as complete immunity) and a boosted immune system, allowing them to consume large quantities of potions that could prove easily deadly if consumed even in small amounts by a normal man.
Exceptionally increased strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance, far beyond any normal or well-trained human, that allows them to swiftly end fights with minimal effort, and perform physical feats non-witchers couldn't hope to match. A witcher's physical skills alone are sufficient to defeat most monsters single-handedly if combined with extensive training and proper weaponry, whereas regular men could only hope to accomplish this in large groups. Witchers have also been shown to shrug off hits that would normally render normal men unconscious. Additionally, they have been known to survive the strikes of powerful monsters such as giants, or other beings possessing herculean strength, that would otherwise kill others with a single blow.
More magical potential than the average human, which gives them the ability to perform simple yet incredibly versatile combat magic in the form of signs. They also develop a sixth sense that allows them to "feel" things around them, be it items of importance or people's immediate intentions. This explains their uncanny ability to track and hunt people and monsters. However, the amount of magic they posses is not as close to sorcerers and sorceress.
Accelerated healing granting quick recovery from injuries.
Incredibly long lifespan and prolonged youth (Vesemir is said to be at least a few centuries old but has the appearance of a middle-aged man).


I don’t know what was causing the problem, but I do know that bad formatting make it easier for problems to hide.

You still have some of the other issues I mentioned.

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