I Need Help on Papercut Print Javascript :(

My System Admin wants to script this Javascript for our papercut system and this is what I have so far.
When I try to print no pop ups come up I need help if possible. I need one pop to come up one after another.


  • Color print jobs require user confirmation

  • Color printing is expensive so users should be encouraged to print

  • in grayscale whenever they print in color. No confirmation is required

  • for grayscale jobs.
    function printJobHook(inputs, actions) {

    • This print hook will need access to all job details
    • so return if full job analysis is not yet complete.
    • The only job details that are available before analysis
    • are metadata such as username, printer name, and date.
    • See reference documentation for full explanation.
      if (!inputs.job.isAnalysisComplete) {
      // No job details yet so return.

    if (inputs.job.isColor) {
    /* Color job, ask the use if they want to print. The job cost is displayed

    • prominently to encourage users to consider black and white printing instead.
      var response = actions.client.promptPrintCancel(
      “This print job is color
      • " and costs " + inputs.utils.formatCost(inputs.job.cost)
      • “. You can save money by printing the job in grayscale.

      • “Do you want to print this job?”,
        {“dialogTitle” : “Color print job”,
        “dialogDesc” : “Consider printing in grayscale to reduce costs”});
        if (response == “CANCEL” || response == “TIMEOUT”) {
        // User did not respond, cancel the job and exit script.

function printJobHook1(inputs, actions) {

var LIMIT = 20; // Show message for jobs over 20 pages.


  • This print hook will need access to all job details
  • so return if full job analysis is not yet complete.
  • The only job details that are available before analysis
  • are metadata such as username, printer name, and date.
  • See reference documentation for full explanation.
    if (!inputs.job.isAnalysisComplete) {
    // No job details yet so return.

if (inputs.job.totalPages > LIMIT) {
* Job is larger than our page limit, so ask the user to confirm via
* red warning message so we grab their attention.
var message = “
+ “This print job is over " + LIMIT + " pages. Please confirm the job.”
+ “
var response = actions.client.promptPrintCancel(message);
if (response == “CANCEL” || response == “TIMEOUT”) {
// Cancel the job and exit the script.

// User pressed OK, so allow it to print - simply return taking no action.



function printJobHook(inputs, actions) {
printJobHook2(inputs, actions);
printJobHook1(inputs, actions);