I need some clarification please?

I have been doing the free code camp curriculum for about 3 months. Does anyone know what the limit is(how many times or lessons you can watch the video?) for watching the video that helps you solve the challenge?

Hi @kimberly197351 !

There is no limit.
You can watch the scrimba videos as many times as you need to.

That’s not true because when I went to access the video in my last challenge it said this page isn’t accessible anymore. I even signed out and signed back in just to make it sure it wasn’t my device.

Can you give an example of a video?
When I tested it on my end I was able to watch the same html video 6 times.

there is no limit, there is something else happening

what challenge is this?

The one for grid-columns. I can take a screen shot and send it to you if you want?

I went ahead and attached a shot of the screen

can you give the link or exact name of the challenge?

ok, this is the link to the video: https://scrimba.com/p/pByETK/c9WBLU4

I don’t know why it’s not opening there

It seems like it is just that particular video because I tested a few of the other ones in that same section and they work fine.

The original video @ILM provided works fine.
So, I guess it is an issue on FCC’s side.

I just opened an issue on github.

I don’t know if the issue is on scrimba’s side or FCC’s side.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

You should be good with the rest of the videos.

Let us know if you find any more videos like this.


Below is the link to the challenge hopefully to the video page too. The challenge is under CSS Grid #7. I sure hope you can help me restore the videos or else I might be done with code camp.

I already brought up the issue on the freecodecamp github page.
You can follow along with the progress here

For now you can watch the videos on youtube.
FCC published the full course here

The specific lesson you are interested in is here

Thank you very much for your reply and support. I wouldn’t have thought to do that myself because I was thinking it was my fault because I used the video option to many times. Lol

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Learning is infinite. FreeCodeCamp provides 10 certificates. It’s like a gateway to the full stack development.
But you should depend on your own research. Google/read books/articles/… All of that strengthen your skills…

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