I need someone to code with me

hello, im a newbie.
and only code in the office on work-time cause i dont have any computer. :laughing:
ill be glad to code together with you, or anyone out there.

You can join the group

okay, i joined the group :ok_hand:


I feel that too, so I’m in !!!

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Hi! I too am a beginner! I stumbled upon this forum just today looking for a coding buddy. I’m Aashka and though I am Indian, I live in Oman. I’m actually doing ‘C’ right now and will proceed to do either ‘Python’ or ‘JavaScript’ soon. I’m super interested in coding and am committed to learning as much as possible. I’d love to pair up, share my resources and am hoping to become your coding buddy. For me, this will really boost my motivation and steepen my learning curve. I’m not on Instagram, or any social media other than ‘WhatsApp’ and ‘Discord’ currently. I have a space on Discord ready ( https://discord.gg/cB22mMzb ). Join me if you think I’m the right buddy:)

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Hey message me if you still looking for a partner?

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plz join the slack group.

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hey there, you are welcome to join. since a lot of people have already joined, it would be great that you connect to us on slack. here is the link. https://freecodecamps-zfg1951.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-k6wpe5tv-W4v52~kDDQMmV1l7H45IuQ . it is similar to discord.


hi all, i’m interested too can I join???

Thank you so much!!! I really do appreciate it:))

Sure you can join by clicking the link given by @hrs070

Happy to read your message.
I was also looking for fellow coders since I too feel lonely and more than that I am not sure how I am doing since I am learning on my own.
Happy to connect.

Could you pls drop that link again. If love to have you a a coding buddy.

What do you say, team?

Hey @Enigma01!

You can join our group by clicking this link


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will you please introduce yourself, who are you and which type of help you want from me…?