I want to collect all the user answers ( checked radios and checkboxes) and see if the user has selected the correct answer. If so, score++

The code isn’t doing what I would like it to. I’m sure something is missing but don’t know what. When I click the “check score” button I would like it to show the score but for now, it only shows "You scored: 0/10. My displayScore() function doesn’t work. Could anyone tell me what I’m missing here? Observe that there is two possible correct answers for the questions with checkboxes.

JavaScript :

(function () {
  function renderQuiz() {

    const quizContainer = document.querySelector("#quizContainer");
    let quizStr = '';

    // Loops over the object properties (obj) and also takes an index parameter
    quiz.forEach((obj, questionIndex) => {
      // Empty string to keep the li element containing the label and input
      let answerStr = '';
      //Loops over the options object inside of the array quiz
      for (const option in obj.options) {
        /* If it has an object that has an array as a value it renders the inputs as checkboxes */
        if (Array.isArray(obj.correct) === true) {
          answerStr += `
                  <li> `;
          /* Else it renders the inputs as radiobuttons */
        } else {
          answerStr += `
                  <li> `;
      quizStr += `
          </form> `;

    quizContainer.innerHTML = quizStr;

  const resultsContainer = document.querySelector("#results");
  // Adds held score to total and displays a text with the score
  function displayScore() {

    const answerContainer = [];

    quiz.forEach((obj, questionIndex) => {

      let userAnswer = `input[name="question-${questionIndex}]:checked`;
      let answers = [];

      if (userAnswer >= 2) {
        userAnswer.forEach(e => {
          let selected = e.target.userAnswer;
      } else {
        answers = userAnswer[0];

    let score = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < quiz.length; i++) {
      let correctAnswer = quiz[i].correct;
      let userChoice = answerContainer[0];

      if (Array.isArray(correctAnswer)) {
        if (JSON.stringify(correctAnswer) === JSON.stringify(userChoice)) {
      } else if (correctAnswer === userChoice) {

    resultsContainer.innerHTML = `<p>You scored : ${score} / ${quiz.length}</p>`;

  // Objects with question sections within an array
  let quiz = [
      question: "I vilket land produceras det mest kaffe?",
      options: {
        a: "Kolombia",
        b: "Brasilien",
        c: "Indonesien",
        d: "Vietnam"
      correct: "b"
      question: "I vilket land konsumeras det mest kaffe?",
      options: {
        a: "Italien",
        b: "Belgien",
        c: "Finland",
        d: "Kanada"
      correct: "c"
      question: "Ordet kaffe betyder vin på det språket det härstammar ifrån. Vilket språk är det?",
      options: {
        a: "Arabiska",
        b: "Ryska",
        c: "Turkiska",
        d: "Grekiska"
      correct: "a"
      question: "Hur många kalorier finns i en kopp kaffe?",
      options: {
        a: "1",
        b: "5",
        c: "14",
        d: "7"
      correct: "a"
      question: "Vem upptäckte kaffet?",
      options: {
        a: "En bonde",
        b: "En fåraherde",
        c: "En munk",
        d: "En jägare"
      correct: "b"
      question: "På vilket djurs avföring är världens dyraste kaffe gjord på?",
      options: {
        a: "Mus",
        b: "Fågel",
        c: "Apa",
        d: "Katt"
      correct: "d"
      question: "När kom kaffet till Sverige?",
      options: {
        a: "1700-talet",
        b: "1800-talet",
        c: "1400-talet",
        d: "1600-talet"
      correct: "d"
      question: "Vilka två av dessa alternativ är typer av kaffe?",
      options: {
        a: "Arabica",
        b: "Mocca",
        c: "Robusta",
        d: "Java"
      correct: ["a", "c"]
      question: "Välj de enda två delstaterna i U.S.A som odlar kaffebönor?",
      options: {
        a: "Georgia",
        b: "Kalifornien",
        c: "Hawaii",
        d: "Florida"
      correct: ["b", "c"]
      question: "Hur förvaras kaffe som bäst? Välj två sätt.",
      options: {
        a: "Svalt",
        b: "I kylskåp",
        c: "Öppet",
        d: "Mörkt"
      correct: ["a", "d"]


  let checkButton = document.querySelector("#check");
  checkButton.addEventListener("click", displayScore)


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               <button id="retry">TRY AGAIN</button>
               <button id="check">CHECK SCORE</button>
           <div id="results"></div>
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Try logging selected, make sure it’s what you intend. I have a feeling it isn’t.

I also tried the below and it doesn’t log what I want it to log to the console. So I was thinking that, when I click a radiobutton or checkbox, the console should output that value. Or am I totally wrong :sweat_smile: ?

let selected = e.target.checked;

Your css selector is getting the checked item… But how can you get the value of a given form element?

What I’m trying to achieve is saving the inputs that the user selects in an array and if the users selections is >= 2 ( becasue the checkbox questions have two possible correct answers) and save that to an array too. Then finally also push that to the array : answerContainer. This is what’s not working for me - the score++ is not being computed. Can’t still figure it out :confused:

Here’s a hint: you aren’t actually setting a value attribute on any of your inputs, but if you had, you might be able to check if the selected.value is the same as the correct answer.

The score isn’t working because this particular check, comparing the correct answer to the user answer, is doing something else.

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