I was trying to install a package named moment and a specific version of 2.10.2 which was not available and unable to do that i can't continue my learning

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I was trying to install a package named moment and a specific version of 2.10.2 which was not available and unable to do that i can’t continue my learning…any solution would be appreciated

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solution: https://replit.com/@folexy13/boilerplate-npm-2

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36

Challenge: Manage npm Dependencies By Understanding Semantic Versioning

Link to the challenge:

Hi @folajimiopeyemisax13 !

Welcome to the forum!

When you install that version make sure to remove the caret.

I just tried it on my end and this is the code that worked for me

"moment": "2.10.2"

Thanks…that worked completely

However, not having access to the moment library shouldn’t pose a complete stop to your learning. The moment.js team have moved away from it, and they provide some great alternatives built into the core javascript.

Don’t let a library stop you!

Thanks… I was actually following a tutorial in freecodecamp and i could not proceed without the moment

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Thank you for pointing it out, that may be one of my Hacktoberfest submissions. That tutorial should probably be revised for the current state of affairs.


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