Id attribute link is not jumping to the ""tour dates section" of the page on my mobile device

Tell us what’s happening:
Id attribute link is not jumping to the "“tour dates section” of the page on my mobile device.

I wanted to make sure the tour link jumps down to the tour section of my page. However on my iphone5 using safari it does not jump down. It acts as a dead link. How can i make the page scroll down slightly so it feels more interactive. On desktops it seems to work fine.

Your code so far
here is a link to my codepen

cool tribute page. Take a look at this link which has a suggested solution for a similar problem, maybe it will also work for you.

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first off thank you! And I was on that website before I posted lol. I kinda fixed it. It now opens a new tab to that section. Not the best solution, but since it’s just codePen I think I can learn to live with it.

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