Hi everyone. As the title of the post says I’m a beginner in JavaScript. I started the JavaScript Algorithms and Basic Data Structures course a few weeks ago and I have made it through the Basic JavaScript, ES6, Regular Expressions, and Debugging modules. I’m currently roughly halfway through the Basic Data Structures module.
I seem to be grasping the concepts pretty well. Most of it is making sense to me and I think there was only one instance where I just couldn’t figure something out and I copied and pasted the solution to just get by it.
As I stated above, I feel like I’m grasping the concepts pretty well (the beginner stuff anyway) but if I try to write a file from scratch I’m lost. I feel like supplementing my learning with making my own projects would help tremendously. So my question is, am I actually understanding what’s going on and I just haven’t gotten far enough along to really start making a legitimate practice project or should I be able to do something already and maybe I’m not understanding as much as I thought I was?
Just one example would be that in an else if statement I understand that it is evaluating data and returning another type of data based on if what is evaluating is true or false. But where my issue comes in is how does that integrate into a web app? Just using else if as an example here but my question remains the same.
If I’m making no sense here I apologize. I’m just trying to get a better understanding of how to apply the concepts I’ve learned into an actual project. I’ve always been very interested in coding and since I’ve really been focusing on trying to learn the right way I’ve found that I enjoy it more than I thought I even did and I want to make a career out of it. I’m just kind of stuck at this point on where to go to improve on what I already know.