So I have a pretty basic questions. I know this is more of a just hasn’t clicked thing than anything else. I have covered loops, arrays, algorithms several several times. But for some reason none of it seems to click when it comes to the intermediate algorithms section in FCC. I don’t know if I am just not spending enough time really hitting it hard or what, but basically this is my breaking point. I just don’t grasp it, and it’s becoming a real problem. I have read books, done videos, etc… but I am here again at a crossroad where I just don’t know what to do.
Any help, ideas, recommendations would be great. This has been crazy frustrating and at this point I don’t really know what I should do to get get it…
Yeah, it’s an awkward step. It’s like you learned what all the tools do and now you have to fix a car. There is a difference between knowing the mechanics of the language and knowing how to apply them to algorithms. To make matters worse, some of those algorithms are deceptively difficult.
Your confusion is normal. Just keep working at it. I think most people’s progress slows way down when they get to this point. Just keep at it and keep learning - it will get easier.
And if you have a specific question, don’t forget to ask.
Hard work is overrated. You’ll just stress yourself out. Be playful when you work. No rush or deadlines. Just because it took you 2 weeks to figure out a basic algorithm question doesn’t mean you’re not smart.
I think the hardest thing for new programmers completely shifting the way they think about problem solving. A good programmer looks forward to failing tests. When You take on that mindset, programming and problem solving gets way easier.
Just take your time and mess around with a snippet of code in Codepen.
Look up the thing that you’re trying to learn on MDN
See if you can mix if statements with while loops and for loops and just see what happens. Throw some objects in there and see what happens. What if you wrapped it all in a function.
One of the problems I see with people is they think work has to be hard to be productive. Just chill out and don’t take things so seriously. You’re going to feel this way A LOT, but just make sure you don’t quit. Just keep trying a different approach.
…and ask questions often if you can’t figure something out. The forum is there for a reason.
First I’ll make you more frustrated by saying that those algorithms aren’t even close to intermediate. They’re very basic.
So what to do? Learn from others. And codewars is still the best resource. Solve katas and then look at the solutions of others, understand them, google unknown syntax etc.
Also you said you covered algorithms several times. Take a look at this: introduction to algorithms. 1300 pages!!! You haven’t even scratched the surface of algorithms.
So, I am thinking I am not using the console enough. I can log whatever I need to see what step I am at. So far looking at the actual dev tools console I have figured out more! Thanks for the help everyone. It’s been a long road, but it’s nice to have support.
So just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I have spent some time going over the arrays, methods, etc… What once was hard… is not! It took sometime, and many long long nights… Bit I am completing these algorithms by looking stuff up on MDN and console.log() everything I need to visualize it. Thanks for the support everyone! I am finally getting it!
And when you think about the algorithms, the logic behind the code, step away from the mechanicals of it. Don’t worry about how you’ll implement a given thing, simply map out what you want done.
Often, I will step away from the computer, pick up a pad, and write out challenges in my own words. Then start breaking the challenge down to smaller and smaller pieces, until I start seeing the bits as reasonable one- or two-line code bits.