Image is not centered

Could anyone help me to resolve this. The Image is not centered. Refer my code and please help!

    background-colour: black;
    colour: white;
    font-family: monospace;
<div id="main">
  <h1 id="title"> Vegeta-the true underdog </h1>
  <div id="img-div">
    <a id= "tribute-link" target="_blank" href="">
    <img id="image" src="" alt="Picture of Vegeta" width="20%" height=20%> </image>
    <figcaption id="img-caption"> Vegeta is a symbol that it can be stong during the weak period considiering its strong power.</figcaption>
  <p id="tribute-info">
    <b> Vegeta Attributes</b>
      <li> Resilence </li>
      <li> Persistence</li>

  width: 400px;

Hello @ugyentenzin, would be greatly helpful if you could format your code to make it more accessible to read.

Here’s a guide on how to format code in the forum:

Also please consider sharing a live demo, that generally would help people greatly in speeding up the debugging process :slight_smile:

By the look of it, seems like you just placed an image element inside the body, if that’s the case, nothing is telling it to actually be centered; you are just specifying the width and height property.
Hope it makes sense :slight_smile:

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Please format your code or make a github repo

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I’ve edited your post for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

You can also use the “preformatted text” tool in the editor (</>) to add backticks around text.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard.
Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (’).

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is this part inside style tags?

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The image can be aligned in center with the help of margin css property and you can set it with this : -

margin: 0 auto;

This will set the margin from top, bottom to 0 and left, right will take equal distance from both the sides i.e. left and right of image.
So, just add the same like this :

     margin: 0 auto;

@aditya.gupta671 Thank you. I got it rectified .I have not set margin to auto.

@ilenia thank you for guidance, as i am just a beginner .