Imgur and other sites not working

Several links, including Imgur links, lead to a page that says: “This site can’t be reached”
Here’s a picture of the error:

So far all of the broken links I have seen lead to this same page. Can someone who has had this problem before share what they did to fix it?

That’s not links leading to a page. That’s your browser telling you that the linked url doesn’t exist.

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These links were from the freeCodeCamp challenges. Are the links just broken?

What challenges were using these links. Which links are causing the problem? Can you create a GitHub Issue with a list of the broken links you have found (including which challenge they are in)?

I tried to include the links in my original post, but the system wouldn’t let me put more than 2 links, so I left it out. The challenges the links were in (that I’ve found so far) are these:
Front End Development Certification → HTML5 and CSS → Headline with the h2 Element
Front End Development Certification → HTML5 and CSS → Join a freeCodeCamp Study Group in Your City
Front End Development Certification → HTML5 and CSS → Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements
Front End Development Certification → HTML5 and CSS → Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph
Front End Development Certification → Responsive Design with Bootstrap → Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side
Front End Development Certification → Responsive Design with Bootstrap → Use Spans for Inline Elements
Front End Development Certification → Responsive Design with Bootstrap → Create a Custom Heading
Some of these links are identical, even though they are in different lessons.

The links in these lessons do work:
Front End Development Certification → HTML5 and CSS → Use Hex Code for Specific Colors

Oddly enough, the link you posted also is not working:

This makes me think the problem is something on my end. I’ll try messing around with my extensions and see if that makes a difference.

Is it possible that Imagur is blocked in your location or by your network? I’m not seeing those issues. I would still appreciate it if you made a GitHub Issue suggesting that images be moved from Imagur, as we know that some of our campers cannot access it.

That’s just GitHub and definitely not a bad link, so I think that there is something wonky with your internet access.

sidebar - for anyone in the US wondering how the end of Net Neutrality would effect them, this is exactly the type of thing you could expect.

I had a created a post with screenshots of everything I had tried to fix the problem, but “new users can only put one image in a post.”
: /

I don’t think Imgur is blocked on my network, because blocked websites show a message like this:

I tried to see if extensions were causing the problem, like I thought; I uninstalled every extension I could, although there was one I could not uninstall, and it was even on my personal account for some reason. However, I was able to test on my phone and the problem persisted, but Imgur loaded when I switched to cellular data. It is certainly a network issue, but I think it is an error and not intentional. I’m not really sure what I can do next; I don’t have direct control of the network but I can talk to people who do.
Here’s a more detailed post that I was going to send:

edit: Apparently, I can post multiple images if they are in a quote.
: /