insertRule() causing Uncaught DOMException error

I am trying to add a style directly to the head on a HTML using JavaScript with nodes.

HTML head:

   <title>New Accents Photography</title>
   <meta charset="utf-8" />
   <link href="na_base.css" rel="stylesheet" />
   <link href="na_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" />
   <script src="na_styler.js" async></script>

na_styler_js inlcudes the thumbStyles code to add the styling directly in the head itself. The fanceySheet code was also included since it is within the same function can could be interfearing. It is just a link to a style sheet in my files rather then its own style in the head itself.

// Adds link element to link to external stylesheet randomly
var styleNum = randInt(5);
var fanceySheet = document.createElement("link");
fanceySheet.setAttribute("href", "na_style_"+styleNum+".css");
fanceySheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
fanceySheet.setAttribute("id", "fanceySheet");
console.log("Random Style Sheet")

// Create a new style directly in the head element
var thumbStyles = document.createElement("style"); 
	"figure#styleThumbs { \
	position: absolute; \
	left: 0px; \
	bottom: 0px; \
	} \
	figure#styleThumbs img { \
	outline: 1px solid black; \
	cursor: pointer; \
	opacity: 0.75; \
	} \
	figure#styleThumbs img:hover { \
	outline: 1px solid red; \
	opacity: 1.0; \
	} \
	", 0);

This results in the following error:

I can not figure out why this is happening. Nothing else in my code errors and it all works besides this error. Besides linking to other stylesheets, I have no other direct styles in the head besides trying to add thumbStyles.

I also tried directly targeting the list of the document style sheets to see if that works but I get the same error as above.


The page in total contains 7 external style sheets stored in the same folder. Five of them are style sheets that are responsible of changing the theme of the page.

When the user loads onto the page, a link element is created and then linked with a random themed style sheet. From their, the user can use 5 buttons to select between 5 different themes using 5 event listeners that are all added via JavaScript in some code not shown above.

Those buttons all are using the fanceySheet link element by changing the href. The other two style sheets are linked directly in the page head via the HTML.

It could be because you are missing some semi-colons in the insertRule CSS.

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Thanks, but It still gives the same error.

I had never used insertRule before so I looked into it a bit and tested it out.
All the examples I saw insert one rule. It works when I test it with one rule for a class, id, or element. I could not get it to work for multiple classes, ids, or elements. You may need to call insertRule 3 times to add your styles.

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So I now changed the code up for what you said:

	var thumbStyles = document.createElement("style"); 
	"figure#styleThumbs { \
	position: absolute; \
	left: 0px; \
	bottom: 0px; \
	} \
	"figure#styleThumbs img { \
	outline: 1px solid black; \
	cursor: pointer; \
	opacity: 0.75; \
	} \
	"figure#styleThumbs img:hover { \
	outline: 1px solid red; \
	opacity: 1.0; \
	} \

Their is no more errors and the style is now inserted, but their is no styles inside of it. I also removed the index 0 at the end of the inserts.


For some reason I need to use backticks instead of quotes in order to get it to work.

You don’t need to use backticks, double and single quotes work also.

It only worked for me when I used backticks. No idea why.

Yeah, I believe you and I can’t explain that. However, I tested it using the new line character like you did with double and single quotes and it worked for me. So, I just wanted to mention that although in your use backticks fixed the problem, insertRule doesn’t require backticks.

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