Installing Mongosh

Good morning,

I’m trying to install Mongosh and had followed this tutorial (Install from .zip file), but when I put mongosh --help in the command prompt it says that it doesn’t recognize the command. Here are my environment variables:

Am I doing anything wrong?

The environment variable path needs to include the bin directory also, for example:


Thank you for your reponse.

I did a you said and the control panel still does not recognize the mongoose command. This is the variable I used:


You can try these:

  • Start a new terminal session and run the mongosh at the command prompt.
  • Also, try using the whole path from the command prompt: C:\Users\eader\OneDrive\Documents\websites\mongosh-1.5.0-win32-x64\bin\mongosh.exe
  • Make sure the mongosh.exe program is there in that particular bin directory.

You can also tell about any error message you are seeing when you run the command.

This is the error message:

'mongosh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This is the variable

Thank you for your patience, however I’m still getting this error.

I command directed every file until I hit the bin file, it says that it doesn’t recognize it.

Thank you for your respone.

Well, It is difficult to tell what’s wrong and why the command is not being recognized. One more thing I can suggest is to remove the mongosh installation and install it again (as per the instructions from the link you had posted in your first post).

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