I know how to get Express.js up and running, add models in Mongoose or Sequelize, add routes, user auth and basic security with Helmet.js. In React apps I use res.json() a lot
I see a lot of repos that concatenate files in the back end, use filesync methods etc. I don’t know or have experience with that stuff.
Do React developers ever need to go deep into Express.js? Or are we fine just using it to do secure backend stuff before sending back JSON objects?
You can get a job without backend knowledge. I think it’s better to have some backend knowledge. I think it’s best to also be good at backend.
It just increases your employment opportunities. Some companies will hire people only for frontend work and won’t care about backend. Some will hire you for frontend but would want you to have some backend knowledge so they know that you see the big picture. And Others will want you to be able to work front and back. If you’re goal is to get hired, it’s better to fit in as many categories as possible. Whatever a person’s front and back end knowledge and experience are, there’re probably a subsection of employers that are cool with that. But finding a job is hard so the more of those subsections for which you can qualify, the better.
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