Issue running "npm run seed"

Good day. I am currently going to through the contributor docs and implementing everything necessary to run the repo on my PC. I got stuck while trying to run this code - “npm run seed”, on my terminal
This is the error I am getting:

npm ERR! Missing script: "seed"
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! To see a list of scripts, run:
npm ERR!   npm run

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2023-01-30T13_19_20_889Z-debug-0.log

which directory are you in?
(I usually run this from the freeCodeCamp root path)

Yes, I am in the freecodeCamp root path.
The name of the folder is “news”. This is the directory I typed it in - " C:\Users\HP\Documents\OpenSource\news"

Is that mentioned in the contributors docs? I don’t know if running from news works or not.

Can you explain how you got yours working?

Hello there,

What are you trying to accomplish? Which repo are you trying to get running locally?

If you look here:

The news repo does not have a seed script

Yeah. I noticed that too.
Does that mean I can start working on it without running that?
I am new to contributing here so I had to go through the contrbuting docs and I’m following the steps outlined there.

So far, the contributing docs do not outline how to get /news up and running, because it has been limited to organisation development:

Note: We limit direct contributions (in the form of pull requests) to this project due to limitations with our QA & deployment workflows.

So, what are you trying to accomplish? Have you found a bug/issue?

Yes. I found an issue.
The " Extra Scroll padding for linked section" issue and I stated my interest. Although I was told I could not be assigned the issue as I am not a long-time contributor but it would be reviewed and merged if it was comprehensive.

How can I get the /news up and running?

Again, as far as I am aware, we do not accept PRs from non-maintainers of the repository.

Pinging @scissorsneedfoodtoo for clarification.

Thank you for finding time to help me out.
My fault for misinterpreting this :
" Note: We limit direct contributions (in the form of pull requests) to this project due to limitations with our QA & deployment workflows."

Would love it if you could notify me if that has changed.
Thank you.

It is unlikely we can accept external PRs anytime soon on this specific repo. You are welcome to be a part of the discussion for the issue you are interested in by commenting on your observation etc.

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