Its still doesnt work

Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.

  **Your code so far**

.red-text {
  color: rgb (255, 0, 0) ;
.orchid-text {
  color: rgb (218, 112, 214);
.sienna-text {
  color: rgb (160, 82, 45);
.blue-text {
  color: rgb (0, 0, 255);

<h1 class="red-text">I am red!</h1>

<h1 class="orchid-text">I am orchid!</h1>

<h1 class="sienna-text">I am sienna!</h1>

<h1 class="blue-text">I am blue!</h1>
  **Your browser information:**

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36

Challenge: Use RGB to Mix Colors

Link to the challenge:

thats correct but still doesnt work hmm

Can you share your updated code here?

Here is how to write code in the forum.

When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

You can also use the “preformatted text” tool in the editor ( </> ) to add backticks around text.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard.
Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (’).

Close the gap between the word rgb and your starting first bracket.

It should be like this:

color: rgb(255, 0, 0);

.red-text {

color: rgb(255,0,0);


.orchid-text {

color: rgb (218,112,214);


.sienna-text {

color: rgb (160, 82,45);


.blue-text {

color: rgb (0,0,255);


Close the gap for the orchid-text, sienna-text and blue-text classes as well and see if it works now.

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it works! thank you body!

1 Like

You are welcome! Glad it worked :grinning:

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