January 2018 fCC Cohort

Congratulations to everyone who finished the Responsive Web Design section of the beta curriculum!

:fireworks: :balloon: :tada: :sparkler: :confetti_ball: :star: :sun_with_face: :fireworks: :balloon: :tada: :sparkler: :confetti_ball: :star: :sun_with_face: :fireworks: :balloon: :tada: :sparkler: :confetti_ball: :star: :sun_with_face: :fireworks: :balloon: :tada: :sparkler:

For those who are interested in working with another cohort or starting a cohort with the next section of the beta curriculum, here it is:

Also, reply here with your experiences of this cohort. What would you improve? What would you keep the same? Thank you all so much for your participation! :sunny: