Hello, ihave a problem at Jasmine when Testing Database with TS.
Ther’s my Files and i have Two Testing Files:
That’s the Jasmine.json File
and my Package.json:
When run the test:
Hello, ihave a problem at Jasmine when Testing Database with TS.
Ther’s my Files and i have Two Testing Files:
That’s the Jasmine.json File
and my Package.json:
When run the test:
in Jasmine Testing, when i use npm run test
i got No Specs Found, i tried to change little thing at jasmine.json:
it’s work but not good
that’s what i get when run test:
every green dot are one test have succsess, and every red F is one test are faild
but i have but a title to every test but it’s not written at the terminal
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