I am a coder of necessity, namely my own necessity. I have some html and java code that I’d like to add to my site that would provide my customers with an automated overall cost estimate on services the site provides, but I need help with the fine tuning. If this sound of interest to someone, I would really appreciate the help…
I’m actually looking for help with the code I have put together and is somewhat working, but yes I do need help with roadblocks… I understand you are not wanting a post of a solicitous nature and would appreciate it if you could unhide my post so that I can post the code and my issues, thanks
This is the code I am working with:
Html Form Code
<form action="" id="estimateform" onsubmit="return false;">
<fieldset><legend>Get An Overall Title Service Cost Estimate</legend>
<p><label>Enter Presumptive Value Below:</label></p>
<p><input id="presumptive_value" name="Presumptive Value" type="number" /></p>
<p><label>List of Title Services:</label></p>
<p><select id="service" name="service" onchange="calculateTotal()"><option value="None">Choose A Service</option><option value="Vehicle Information">Vehicle Information($15)</option><option value="Duplicate Title">Duplicate Title($25)</option><option value="Title Transfer">Title Transfer($35)</option><option value="Bonded Title">Bonded Title($50)</option><option value="Salvage Title">Salavge Title($50)</option><option value="Mechanic Lien">Mechanics Lien($50)</option></select></p>
<div id="bondValue"> </div>
<div id="bondFee"> </div>
<div id="bondoverageValue"> </div>
<div id="ttlValue"> </div>
<div id="totalPrice"> </div>
Java Script Code
//Set up an associative array
//The keys represent the service type
//The value represents the cost of the service i.e. Vehicle Info is $15,Duplicate Title is $25
//We use this this array when the user selects a service from the form
var service_prices= new Array();
service_prices["Vehicle Information"]=15;
service_prices["Duplicate Title"]=25;
service_prices["Title Transfer"]=35;
service_prices["Bonded Title"]=50;
service_prices["Salvage Title"]=50;
service_prices["Mechanic Lien"]=50;
//This function finds the service price based on the
//drop down selection
function getServicePrice()
var ServicePrice=0;
//Get a reference to the form id="estimateform"
var theForm = document.forms["estimateform"];
//Get a reference to the select id="service"
var selectedService = theForm.elements["service"];
//set Service Price equal to value user chose
//For example service_prices["Vehicle Information".value] would be equal to 5
ServicePrice = service_prices[selectedService.value];
//finally we return ServicePrice
return ServicePrice;
function getBond_Value()
//Assume form with id="estimateform"
var theForm = document.forms["estimateform"];
//Get a reference to the TextBox
var presumptive_value = theForm.elements["presumptive_value"];
var Bond_Value =0;
//If the textbox is not blank
//presumptive value x 1.5 should give bondValue of $1500 on a $1000 presumptive value entry
Bond_Value = parseInt((presumptive_value.value*1.5);
return Bond_Value;
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('bondValue');
divobj.innerHTML = "This Is Your Vehicle's Bond Value $"+Bond_Value;
function hideTotal()
var divobj = document.getElementById('bondValue');
function getBondFee_Value()
//Assume form with id="estimateform"
var theForm = document.forms["estimateform"];
//Get a reference to the TextBox
var presumptive_value = theForm.elements["presumptive_value"];
var BondFee_Value =0;
//If the textbox is not blank
//presumptive value x 1.5 - 5000 x 0 + 150 should give BondFee_Value of $150
BondFee_Value = parseInt((((presumptive_value.value*1.5)-5000)*0)+150);
return BondFee_Value;
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('bondFee');
divobj.innerHTML = "Your Vehicle Bond Fee is $"+BondFee_Value;
function hideTotal()
var divobj = document.getElementById('bondFee');
function getBondOverage_Value()
//Assume form with id="estimateform"
var theForm = document.forms["estimateform"];
//Get a reference to the TextBox
var presumptive_value = theForm.elements["presumptive_value"];
var BondOverage_Value =0;
//If the textbox is not blank
//presumptive value x 1.5 - 5000/1000 x 35 should give bondoverageValue of $35 for every 1k>5K
BondOverage_Value = parseInt((((presumptive_value.value*1.5)-5000)/1000)*35);
return BondOverage_Value;
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('bondoverageValue');
divobj.innerHTML = "Your Vehicle Bond Overage Fee is $"+BondOverage_Value;
function hideTotal()
var divobj = document.getElementById('BondOverage_Value');
function getTTL_Value()
//Assume form with id="estimateform"
var theForm = document.forms["estimateform"];
//Get a reference to the TextBox
var presumptive_value = theForm.elements["presumptive_value"];
var TTL_Value =0;
//If the textbox is not blank
//presumptive value x .0625 + 33 + 85 should give TTL_Value of 62.50 for $1k of presump value + 33 + 85 = 180.50
TTL_Value = parseInt((presumptive_value.value*0.0625) + 118);
return TTL_Value;
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('ttlValue');
divobj.innerHTML = "Your Vehicle's Tax, Title and License Fee is $"TTL_Value;
function hideTotal()
var divobj = document.getElementById('ttlValue');
function calculateTotal()
//Here we get the total price by calling our function
//Each function returns a number so by calling them we add the values they return together
var OverallPrice = getServicePrice() + getBondFee_Value() + getBondOverage_Value() + getTTL_Value();
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');
divobj.innerHTML = "Total Overall Service Price $"+OverallPrice;
function hideTotal()
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');
The html code shows what I need, however…
On the script side when inputing a $1000 into the presumptive_value field
with the Bonded Title selection of $50 the form is not giving customers a
bondValue of $1500
bondFee of $150
bondoverageValue of $0 if bondValue is $5k<
ttlValue of .0625 of presumptive_value + $118 which should be $180.50
It is giving me the totalPrice of 258.00
But should be return a totalPrice of
ServicePrice = $ 50.00
bondFee = $150.00
bondoverageValue = $ 0.00
ttlValue =$180.50
totalPrice =$380.50
The page which holds the html code is at: losttitleconnection.net/estimate
@camperextraordinaire, first let me say thanks for the help previously…
The code is producing, however, for some reason, it isn’t producing a $ value for the function getBond_Value.
My other issue is that I’ve realized I need some IF THEN statements as some services require only get Service and a general court fee, others require getService and getTTL_Value. Other require getService, getTTL_Value, and general court fee, and yet others require getService, getTTL_Value, getBondFee_Value, and fetBondOverage_Value.
I’m currently working to put those lines of code together, but for now, I could really use your help with the issue of the getBond_Value not showing. Can you please give me some guidance on this, Sir?
Thanks is advance for all your efforts
@camperextraordinaire, thanks for the advice…
This morning I set up an account with Codepen and entered the HTML and js code.
Here is the link: https://codepen.io/ttsprez/pen/VGEPzE?editors=0010
Funny thing now is that the code isn’t producing any results in Codepen or on the live site, where it had at least been giving BondFee, OverageFee, TTL_Value, and TotalCost previously.
I will be working on this to try and establish some IF-THEN statements for each service.
Thanks again for the Codepen advice again. Now I just need to find something like it for PHP.
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by browser’s console. I’m using Chrome and don’t see any error messages at the top, bottom or address bar area. As for the PHPfiddle, thanks. I think that is gonna be of great help too.
In addition, it’s not producing totals in the Codepen program either.
Mr. @camperextraordinaire, can you please have a look at my code. Combed through it all and fixed everything I could that I thought could be the issue but still keep getting “index.js: Unexpected token (102:1)” error on my last line of code.
This is the link to the Codepen
Many thanks sir…
So I broke down and just re-inserted the original code you sent me…
for whatever reason, the code on the HTML side was preventing the totals from showing. So it’s showing now.
Here is the actual page it’s on:
Use this login to access it
User: temp
pass: temporary
As I stated in an earlier message, my only concern is that the getBondValue() isn’t returning a $, but everything else seems to be showing the way it should. Can I ask you to take a look at that in the pen for me, please?
Going forward, I need to add some if statements as each service only need certain functions added together, some services only need the service_price, and others require all of them. I’ll put those together and let you tell me what you think…
Again, thanks for the time…
No worries… take your time. If you don’t get to it till tomorrow, I fully understand. I’m just grateful for any and all the help you can provide, when you have the time to provide it.
Taking the advice of @camperextraordinaire, I did a little more research and learning. I’ve taken what he has helped me with thus far and tried to put together what I’ve learned so far to make this work. For those reading this the first time, my intention here is to provide customers with a cost of service estimate based on the service they select.
I have taken @camperextraordinaire coaching tips and created a jsfiddle for my code which can be found here:
I have created the code with the help of this tutorial:
What I’d like to have in the end is have the customer see results in the following format:
Example of Bonded Title Service:
You chose the service of : Service Name
Your Service Fee is $0.00
Your Bond Value is $0.00
Your Bonding Fee is $0.00
Your Bonding Overage Fee is $0.00
Your Tax, Title and Licensing Fee is $0.00
The total estimated cost of your service is $0.00
Let me warn you, all this is something I’m learning, so I KNOW it is far from perfect, but I’ve attempted to get it to a point where I could show my intention and get someone to point me in the right directions. Any and all help is deeply appreciated.
Sorry @camperextraordinaire, didn’t seem to be getting any views or responces so I reposted. Squeaky wheels get the grease, you understand… but duly noted.
So I’ve gotten all the yellow and red dots to go away in jsfiddle, what next @camperextraordinaire
Okay, so i can see where the switch is working now… but the rest of the previous code no longer appears in the console. Need the previous code to appear in order to input cases for the switch. What do I have wrong here…
@camperextraordinaire, cleared out all the red and yellow dots, can you take a look a this for me now.
thanks in advance Sir.
Wanna say thanks for all your efforts, but I found someone an another forum that was willing to help me fix my issues.