I am working my way through the ES6 lessons in the JS module and feel as though I am trying to tackle problems that I don’t understand yet. Constructors is baffling me, getters and setters feels like i’m missing something. Should I be tackling these things in a different order? Have I missed something previously that explains these topics? Or is this one of those times where I need to go away and read up on these things and come back later? It feels weird that there were entire lessons dedicated to what + and - do, but constructors and destructuring is just “here it is, figure it out”.
It can be confusing at first.
So that is completely normal.
Programming with Mosh has a good video on getters and setters
You are going in the correct order.
Some sections will be easier than others.
When I went through it, I remember really struggling with regular expressions.
I had to go through some of those lessons a few times before it finally made sense.
I also looked to outside resources to help with my understanding which is encouraged by freeCodeCamp
It is totally normal to be confused at first.
But when it does click for you, you will see how cool destructuring is
You can check out these resources for better understanding