I’ve been learning web development for about 3-4 years. I’m also about halfway through a CS degree but had to take a break due to health issues.
A few months ago I started actively using LinkedIn. Recruiters started messaging me almost daily about job openings. I’m proficient with HTML/CSS/JS, Sass, have built small apps with React and Redux, etc.
A couple months ago I started actively seeking my first front-end developer job. I’ve applied to 200 or so jobs and I still have not found a single offer. I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of recruiters initiate with me on LinkedIn, and STILL can’t find a job.
I live in the NYC metro area and despite my location I am having a hard time even getting in person interviews. So far I’ve only had 1 in person interview.
I feel like companies see that I’m 30 and looking for my first job in the industry and don’t have a CS degree yet and just throw my application in the garbage. What do I need to do to get my foot in the door? I see people with no CS background and much less experience/skill getting hired. I don’t get it. I also don’t get why so many HR people find me an initiate and then ghost me. I’m not a weird or awkward person or anything.
This job hunt is getting super frustrating. Dealing with HR/recruiters and their flakiness is testing my patience. I don’t understand how someone who doesn’t know that Java and Javascript are two different languages can accurately access my level of skill and reject me time and time again.